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Pakistan Medals For Sale

Nottingham Medals buy and sell war medals, war medal groups, individual military and campaign medals, and commemorative medallions. Below is a selection of our latest Pakistan medals for sale, including both military medals and civil. Please note all items are original.


Pakistan Kashmir Medal 1948 General Service Medal With Kashmir 1948 Bar £12
Pakistan 1956 Republic Day Medal 1956 Republic Day Medal £7
Pakistan Jonghai Sad Medal 1972 1976 100th Anniversary Birth of Quaid-i-Azam Medal £7
Pakistan 1979 Hijri Medal 1979 Hijri Medal £10
Pakistan Resolution Day Medal 1990 Golden Jubilee Medal £6
Pakistan Long Service Medal  Combined Services Long Service Medal £10
Pakistan 20 Years Service Medal 20 Year Military Service Medal £10

Please ask for additional pictures or information. All medals for sale are one-offs so please check for availability. Orders over £50 are sent by Special Delivery (£9.00) / International Signed For (£11). Lower priced items are sent First Class Recorded (£4.50) at buyer's risk or First Class if under £25 (£3).

We accept payment by UK cheque, bank transfer or cash (Euros, US$ or GBP).

Nottingham Medals
25 Cowpasture Lane, Sutton-in-Ashfield,
Nottinghamshire, NG17 5AF
Tel: 01623 755466
Mob: 07521 069261
