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World Medallions and Badges

For Sale

Nottingham Medals buy and sell war medals, war medal groups, individual military and campaign medals, and commemorative medallions. Below is a selection of our latest world medallions and badges for sale, including both military and civil varieties. Please note all medallions and badges are original.


Cruiser ARA General Belgrano Medal Argentina Navy rare 1968 Medal to Engineer N. Walker A.R.A. General Belgrano (Cruiser sunk in Falklands War 1982) £140
France 1989 D-Day Medallion France 1989 Anniversary of D-Day 1944 brass medallion. £7
France Combattants Cross Medal France - European Veteran Cross £25
WW2 Operation Market Garden Medal Netherlands - Operation Market Garden 1944-1989 Medal Boxed £20
Stiphout 1944-1994 Liberation Medal Netherlands - Stiphout 1944-1994 WW2 Liberation medallion "Thank You Stiphout" on reverse £12
101st Airborne Challenge Coin USA - Viet Nam War era Original 101st Airborne Challenge Coin Named GNR GLEADELL £75
USA 9/11 Challenge Coin USA - 9/11 Commemorative Challenge Coin £10
USA Pentagon Challenge Coin USA - Pentagon five-sided Challenge Coin £12
USA Air National Guard Medal USA - Air National Guard Challenge Coin (44mm diameter) £12
RAF Mildenhall Medal USA - 627th AMSS Mildenhall, UK. Four Star Service Challenge Coin (pierced) £7
1914-16 WW1 Edelweiss Badge Austria WW1 1914-16 Edelweiss Bakelite Pin Badge £25
HMCS Ojibwa Submarine Badge Canada HMCS Ojibwa Submarine 25 Years Badge £8
Cuba Basic Parachutist Badge Cuba Basic Parachutist Badge £15
Cuba Tercera Parachutist Badge Cuba Tercera Parachutist Badge £20
Cuba Segunda Parachutist Badge Cuba Segunda Parachutist Badge £20
Cuba Maestro Parachutist Badge Cuba Master Parachutist Badge £25
USA Submariners Badge US Navy Officers Submarine Service Badge (Large Size) by KREW £15
US Navy Submarine SS189 Saury Badge S.S.189 Saury US Navy Submarine Badge £10


Please ask for additional pictures or information. All medals for sale are one-offs so please check for availability. Orders over £50 are sent by Special Delivery (£9.00) / International Signed For (£11). Lower priced items are sent First Class Recorded (£4.50) or First Class if under £20 (£3).

We accept payment by UK cheque, bank transfer, P.O., or cash (Euros, US$ or GBP). Overseas payments by PayPal or bank transfer.

Nottingham Medals
25 Cowpasture Lane, Sutton-in-Ashfield
Nottinghamshire, NG17 5AF
Tel: 01623 755466
Mob: 07521 069261
